Dec 31, 2012

Helping Hand

This is R. He's a student in Salt Lake who came along with me on a shoot in West Jordan, today. It's always nice to have a hand.

Nikon D800, 50mm f/1.4 lens, f/4, 1/100s, ISO 800.
R. was helping setup for this one. The idea was to photograph the manager of this shop in his place. That's why I used the high ISO and slow shutter speed. Those let the light from the shop put some glow on the background while my flash in a softbox cast a nice directional light on R.

I love this kind of thing. It's really fun to photograph people in their places. I'm glad R. was there to help me get things adjusted for when we brought the manager in for his glamour shot.

Dec 30, 2012

Ski Time

Here in Utah, we've finally been getting some snow, and I'm sure the Ski industry is glad of it. I made this picture while photowalking with Darryl Dobson in Park City last fall before the first snows pushed the leaves off the trees. Don't forget to click to click to view these images full size.

Nikon D800, 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 VR lens @ 300mm, f/11, 1/320s, ISO 800.

Mama, Don't Take My Kodachrome Away

Yeah, it's that song. I made this picture with my pal Darryl Dobson in September in Park City. It's quite a popular spot to make pictures...but it was the first time I'd photographed it myself. And the colors were coming so nicely. 

Nikon D800, 28-300mm f3.5-5.6 VR lens @50mm, f/11, 1/15s, ISO 320.
In fact, that whole week was pretty incredible. As I was driving to and from Vernal to work on those portraits below, I stopped several times to make pictures. That's a huge advantage of riding a scooter across the country--no windshield to shoot through, and it's easy to turn around and make a picture.

Nikon D800, 105mm f/2.8 VR Micro lens, f/4, 1/1250s, ISO 100.
Nikon D800, 105mm f/2.8 VR Micro lens, f/9, 1/400s, ISO 100.
See, my family was having a little reunion in Park City. That's when my nephews and I made one of my favorite portraits of 2012:
Nikon D800, 105mm f.2,8 VR Micro lens, f/3, 1/200s, ISO 2000.

Dec 29, 2012


It's that time when we all look back on the year and make plans to do things better. We resolve that things will change. We resolve that we will change. And things will be better. All my pants will fit better.

Well, I don't know about weight loss resolutions, but I'm definitely resolved to return to this location and make pictures again.

Nikon D800, 14-24mm f/2.8 lens @24mm, f/5.6, 1/320s, ISO 800, Nik Silver Efex Pro 2.
This is at Haceta Head in Oregon. The surf is crashing behind me, and fog is swirling about the cliffs to my left and right. The most picturesque lighthouse on the west coast is to my left...covered base to roof in flapping black tarps for renovation. That's one of the things I want to photograph when I return--sans tarps, of course.

But I'd like to explore this bridge again, too. I love the bridges in Oregon. I feel like they are all of a theme. Plus, they're always spanning these wonderful places. Just up the road to the North is a spot called Cape Perpetua that I'd also like to re-explore. To the south is the Sea Lion Cave.

I was there this day in September to photograph a wedding, and it was spectacular. Anyone else getting married? I know a great spot. Need a photog?

Freshies on Mt. Pisgah

Fresh snow always makes me think of my backcountry ski class and my backcountry camping class in college. I think of it because the text book was not written by Allen and Mike; but it should have been. They have a wonderful way of teaching sound principles with hilarious cartoons. The opening to one of their books has the author peeking through the blinds looking at the falling snow, drool dripping from his big grins with a thought bubble that says "Freshies."

Last night I reawakened my love for outdoor adventure in fresh snow with the Cache Valley Photographers as we strapped on our snow shoes and hiked around Mt. Pisgah. We made it in time for the full moon rise, and planted our tripods in the snow. It was cold, but hiking in snow is such a workout that I was toasty...until we stopped to shoot. Totally worth the numb fingers, though. Next time I think we'll climb Babbit Shanty Hill.

Looking south to Mt. Pisgah and Orion. Nikon D800, 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 VR lens @28mm, f/9, 30s, ISO 800, Nik Color Efex 4.

Looking toward Logan. Nikon D800, 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 VR lens @28mm, f/16, 349s, ISO 100, Nik Color Efex 4.
North toward the Wellsvilles. Nikon D800, 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 VR lens @28mm, f/8, 165s, ISO 100, Nik Color Efex 4.

Dec 27, 2012

More Jewels

Here are a couple more I dug up from last year. Lessee...Ah, yes. My pal Zech was in town for a seminar we both attended on creating cinematic stories. Zech works in Boise, and we've collaborated several times. I met him at a different seminar before I even owned my first camera--it was with David Ziser and it was a life changing workshop.

Anyway, one of the jobs Zech and I worked on was a wedding with a family full of cops, and we really had a fun time making some character rich images. So, we decided to do a few things we didn't get to try when we were in the rush of the wedding...

Photo by Zechariah Wendt.

Of course, We couldn't take it too seriously for long. 

Zech and I also spent some time walking and shooting on the the USU campus. It was a good day.

Photo by Zechariah Wendt.
Photo of Zechariah Wendt.

Photo by Zechariah Wendt.

Dec 25, 2012

Digging Out and Posting Up

I bought a new computer last week. Between that and the end of the year, I'm cleaning things up--you know, out with the old, in with the new. Not that I'm getting rid of your images (that'll never happen!), but I'm getting rid of a lot of my images that I'm finished using and likely won't be looking at again. For instance, when I teach I end up making a lot of images that are just junk. What can I say? I like the continuous shooting mode on my camera.

For all the junk pictures I make when I teach, I love teaching. Often, my favorite images are made when I teach. Maybe it's having high expectations from my students and no expectations from my models. Whatever the reason, I always end up with a few keepers each time I teach. Like these from earlier this Fall we made while I was teaching the Vernal, Utah, SMUG. They're a terrific bunch, and I always enjoy getting together with them. If you've got a photo club, let me know where and we'll schedule a workshop!

Nikon D800, 105mm f/2.8 VR Micro lens, f/3, 1/1600s, ISO 200.
Nikon D800, 105mm f/2.8 VR Micro lens, f/3, 1/1600s, ISO 200.

Nikon D800, 105mm f/2.8 VR Micro lens, f/3, 1/2500s, ISO 200.


This is my pal, F. You may have run into him at the Cache Valley Gardener's Market, selling flowers to raise money for UPR. You may have run into him at the UPR gallery during downtown gallery walks. And you've certainly heard him on the air during the UPR fund drives. I always love running into him. We made this picture during our photography class a couple of months ago. I was reminded of it because he gave me a basketful of fudge for Christmas. 

I think he should ditch the flowers and sell the fudge.

Nikon D800, 105mm f/2.8 VR Micro lens, f/4, 1/1250s, ISO 400.

Dec 22, 2012

Practice, Practice, Practice

M. and L. are so much fun to work with. I mean, it's not like we are rolling on the floor laughing (though we do frequently laugh out loud), but it's fun because we work together to make an idea come to fruition. We paged through a gillion magazines looking for ideas, and put a few different ones together and then moved in a direction all our own. Creativity builds this way, and practicing allows us to put it together quickly when it counts.

Nikon D800, 105mm VR Micro lens, f/4, 1/40s, ISO 200. 

Nikon D800, 105mm VR Micro lens, f/2.8, 1/100s, ISO 200.

Nikon D800, 105mm VR Micro lens, f/2.8 1/100s, ISO 200.
Nikon D800, 105mm VR Micro lens, f/3.2, 1/320s, ISO 200.

Dec 21, 2012

Passersby, Ends of Worlds

There I was, piddling around inside the Mansion, trying to get my head in gear to get things finished 1) before Christmas and 2) before the end of the world (ending the world with tasks unfinished makes me cranky) when suddenly I looked up and saw a lithe, sleek, black beauty outside the window. And A. was walking along with her. So, I invited them for a few pictures.

What that means is that I actually ran out the door and begged her to come back for a second. Totally worth the time. Totally not any closer to finishing my work. Sigh. Bring it on Mayans.

Nikon D800, 105mm f/2.8 VR Micro lens, f/8, 1/200s, ISO 100.

Nikon D800, 105mm f/2.8 VR Micro lens, f/8, 1/200s, ISO 100.

Nikon D800, 105mm f/2.8 VR Micro lens, f/8, 1/200s, ISO 100.

Dec 20, 2012

It's always a pleasure working with L., and even better when it's to celebrate her new life. N. and L. make such a great couple, and perfect subjects for my work, too. And did I mention they have a great temperament? Even after we got (gently) thrown out of this terrific location, we went on to make more pictures to commemorate their wedding.

L. is moving right along in her skills as a stylist and makeup artist, as well, so give me a call and lets put her to work! After a session making pictures with me and her, I'm sure you'll agree that she's an artist.

Nikon D800, 105mm f/2.8 VR Micro lens, f/4.5, 1/100s, ISO 400, Nik Color Efex 4, CS6.

Seasons Come and Seasons Go

A. and D. recently came for a portrait session, a little something to share with their families for the Holidays. Spending time with them was really a pleasure--they're friends of friends, and now friends themselves.

Nikon D800, 105mm f/2.8 VR Micro lens, f/2.8, 1/500s, ISO 100, Nik Color Efex Pro4, CS6.
One thing that is significant about this picture is the location. I'm standing in the canal bed along with A. and D. to make this picture, and this would be absolutely impossible two months ago. Because the canal is intended for irrigation (yes, even right in town people have water shares to water their lawns in the growing season), it only flows part of the year, and the rest of the time it may be found bone dry. 

Not only is the presence of water an obstacle in making this image in other seasons, but flow is another problem. See, right behind me is a race directing the water from the street level above twenty higher and it comes pouring down in a raucous slurry of white froth and foam that would knock me off my feet and carry me past the back of door of the now-closed Hostess Outlet (sigh). In fact, it's such a rush of water that I usually don't come down here in the growing season because I can't communicate with my clients for the noise.

My point is, keeping an eye on locations in different seasons and conditions makes allows me to make the most of all places. Plus, it keeps me excited about places that could otherwise be boring. Oh, here's another example of this same spot in high summer when the grass is up to my shoulders.

Dec 17, 2012

Jack's Pizza

Perhaps it's a freudian trip of the shutter, but I seem to have a lot of clients with pizzerias. Could it be that I am drawn to them by their deliciousness, and the desire to spend more time in their establishments creates an affinity which leads to a business relationship? What's more likely is they think I'll finally leave if they hire me. Either way, I'm pleased as pop to spend time and the occasional trade for goods with these fine eateries.

This is B., and he's been here before. A few years ago he bought a lens from me, joined the club, carried some great restaurants, and we've been pals ever since. Yeah, my Sigma 10-22mm is the one he bought; I never forget a lens face lens or a face.

Lately, B. and his partners are making great things happen at Jack's Wood Fired Pizza on main street. If you havent eaten here yet, you've got to buy yourself a little slice of Christmas and head down. Not only is the pie delicious, but the newly renovated atmosphere is terrific. I particularly enjoy the bike room. And the original tiles on the floor. And watching the cooking in the fire place. Just go check it out so I can stop listing things I like.

Nikon D800, 50mm f/1.4 lens, f/8, 1/50s, ISO 400.

Dec 16, 2012


Nikon D800, 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 VR lens @ 70mm, f/11, 1/30s, ISO 100. Nik Color Efex 4.

As it was snowing on friday evening, my pal M. called me up and invited me to go make pictures on Saturday morning, and I naturally took him up on it straight away. We headed to Spring Hollow where in Logan Canyon, and enjoyed a morning shooting pictures in the clouds and snow.

I was also surprised and interested to see an abundance of wildlife scampering on the snow...all of it rather small. There were several different insects out an about, and this one caught our attention for way too long.
Nikon D800, 105mm f/2.8 VR Micro lens, f/8, 1/60s, ISO 100.

I also took a moment to make a quick self portrait.
Nikon D800, 14-24mm f/2.8 lens @ 14mm, f/8, 1/30s, ISO 100.

Nov 16, 2012


Wherever there are passionate people, there will be good pictures. Remember these guys? Civil War reenactors with canons...there were some great stories from those passionates. Last night I got to spend time with another set of passionates: fashion designers. And what fun! Naturally, they had beautiful people wearing their designs, so that's easy. Then they had cool designs, check number two! But best of all, they were all having fun showing their work and wearing it, too. I sure enjoyed my work as they worked. 

Any other Passionates I should know about?

Nikon D800, 105mm f/2.8 lens, f/7.1, 1/200s, ISO 100.

Nov 10, 2012

Garden of the Gods

This park is one of my favorite places on Earth. Whenever I visit Colorado Springs I try to come here to make pictures. I'm still trying to make something worthy of William Henry Jackson who photographed here as well as most the Mountain West.

Nikon D800, 14-24mm f/2.8 lens @ 24mm, f/11, 1/30s, ISO 100. Nik Silver Efex Pro2.

Nov 8, 2012

Growing Family

Nikon D800, 105mm f/2.8 VR Micro lens, f/7.1, 1/60s, ISO 100. Nik Color Efex Pro 4.
Man, Last time we made pictures for the J. family, that little guy was a newborn. I love this. Watching families grow through my lens is really a wonderful thing.

Nov 3, 2012

Return to Punch Bowl

Something wonderful about being a photographer is that I get to visit wonderful places over and over again. Fortunately (or not), I don't have to drive to Oregon to do it. I get to revisit a place each time I finish pictures I made there. The whole time I'm working I remember the hike in with friends, and the freezing water rushing around my feet, and the couple from China I got to speak with. What a great time I had...then and now.

Nikon D800, 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 VR lens @62mm, f/16, 9 exposure HDR, ISO 100, Nik HDR Efex Pro 2 and Color Efex Pro 4.

Oct 20, 2012

Always Learning

Man, I love learning stuff. I spent most of yesterday and all this morning learning from some really terrific photographers. And it was great. These other photographers showed us how they read scenes and setup lighting and set their cameras and just kinda spilled their guts about everything. It was so good of them to come and share with us, and I really appreciate them sharing their experience. 

Below are some of the images I made with their help and mooching off their setups.

Nikon D800, 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 VR lens, f/5.6, 1/200s, ISO 640.
Nikon D800, 105mm f/2.8 VR Micro lens, f/4, 1/250s, ISO 320.
Nikon D800, 105mm f/2.8 VR Micro lens, f/3, 1/500s, ISO 1600.

Oct 17, 2012

Been A While

Gosh, how time flies. Seems like just last Spring L. and I were making her Senior Portraits. You can view those here. But, alas, she just turned 21. I guess I've been doing this longer than I thought! Well, she stopped by for a birthday portrait the other day, and I'm sure glad she did.

Nikon D800, 105mm f/2.8 VR Micro lens, f/16, 1/200s, ISO 100.

Nikon D800, 105mm f/2.8 VR Micro lens, f/14, 1/200s, ISO 100.

World Wide Photo Walk

The Cache Valley Photographers were happy to participate in Scott Kelby's World Wide Photo Walk again last Saturday. This was the third time we've hosted a branch of the walk here, and it was really a good one. Here's one of my images from the day.

Nikon D800, 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 VR lens at 135mm, f/5.6, 1/200s, ISO 400.

Oct 16, 2012


It's time! This is the last week for Fall pictures. It's been really wonderful, though, hasn't it? It started high and hot red with the mountain maples firing up the canyons on the Wellsvilles, and now the valley here is heating up with hot oranges, yellows, reds, and maroons. I'm loving it.

And I know you'd love some pictures with your family in it, too. It's not every year we get this kind of wonderful color set, so please give me a call and together we can create some really terrific images.


Nikon D800, 105mm f/2.8 VR Micro lens, f/8, 1/125s, ISO 100, Nik Color Efex Pro  4.