Aug 1, 2009

Photowalk Finals

With so many talented people submitting their work for our Photo Walk competition, it was difficult to choose a winner from our group to proceed to the international pool. I finally narrowed it down to these four, in no particular order. As you can, see we had a little something of everything represented.

Choosing: I had no criteria, no rules given to me from the official organizers. I just chose the one I liked most. I don't have a defense for my choice, but I'm sure you'll agree that it was a close decision--that's why I've waited all week to announce it.

The following photos are the property of the individual artists, and I am not one of them. Leave me a comment and I will help arrange print purchases.


Charcie, of Milestone Photography presented this image of one of the other walkers.


Ricky created this image, also including another walker.


Rich entered this image for our enjoyment.


Mel, of Mel Torrie Photography submitted this incredible image.

Thanks to Isaac for the group photo.

In the end I have chosen Charcie's image for submission to the worldwide competition where she has a 1 in 10 chance of winning some awesome prizes. Thanks again to everyone involved--We'll see everybody at the Cache Valley Photographer functions, and at next year's World Wide Photo Walk. You can view many of the photos from the rest of the group on our flickr page.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more Levi! Well done on a tough job. Charcie's picture nailed what this contest was about and I too believe it has the best chance of winning further up the chain. Good judging!

