Nov 10, 2009

G & G...& M

Nikon D90, 50mm lens, f/1.8, 1/40s and 1/250s, ISO 200. These were done in aperture priority mode with adjustments made to the exposure compensation (EV, +/-). I went up 1/3 on the boy, and minus 1 2/3 for the girl. The exposure compensation allows you to adjust the highlights and shadows so that they are neither too light or dark, thus keeping detail in the image file. During post processing you can then adjust the exposure with more precision--especially if you shot the image in a RAW file format.

One more inside...



  1. My favorite is the one of Gwen. So cute. David's looking at these too and he's very impressed.

  2. Thanks for the letting me know these were here! I stop-by often to see and enjoy the photos you're shooting; but sooner is always better when its people you love. As 'Becca said, the second one is especially nice; and I like how the shadows blend right in with M's 'angel kiss' from this angle...and her lashes are lovely!

  3. Yes, I absolutely love these kids! Nice pictures, all!
