Dec 20, 2009

Christmas Cards

We did a whirlwind shoot for some friends yesterday. K., B., and C. were fun to work with, and little C. kept the cuteness maxed out for the whole hour. We started in the studio, and then also took a few shots outside with the frost crusted trees, but couldn't linger long. We wrapped it back in the studio with a short video segment recapping their 2009. It's been exciting trying to break into short videos, and I'm starting to get the hang of it, thanks to patient friends like K. and B.

Nikon D90, primarily 50mm lens, ~f/4, ~1/80s, ISO 200, all lit with continuous florescent light at The Studio.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome shots! First and last are my favorites. You really did make the black AND white backgrounds work. Impressive.
