May 14, 2010


Our trip to Panama is off to a rocky start. There were thunderstorms so terrible that they had to close the Dallas airport. We circle overhead for quite awhile waiting for it to pass, but finally had to land at the Austin Bergstrom airport to refuel. By this time, we were in serious danger of missing our flight to Atlanta to connect on to Panama.  As it turns out, we did miss it. It's pretty incredible to me that some people in the same job can do things when others just can't see a way. Stuart at Austin was incredibly helpful and got us to Atlanta about eight hours faster than the other two agents were going to be able to do. I'm sure glad that we met him. 

So, after Stuart arranged the flights for us, we had a few minutes to recharge batteries and stretch our legs. I captured the following images. I rather like this first one. I saw while I was headed to the restroom and had to turn around and get my camera. Then, I saw some stairs leading up to administrative offices with a landing overlooking this concourse. That was the spot for me. I'm finding that airports often have some really terrific architecture. Trouble is, most people aren't allowed to see it anymore. I can imagine myself going to an airport just to watch people and get creative; but I can't do it without a plane ticket. While I'm all for creativity, that would get mighty spendy after a little while.

Nikon D90, 50mm lens, f/3.5, 1/60s, ISO 200.

This image of the four man band was awesome, so I had to share it with you.

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