Mar 13, 2011

Cache Valley Portrait Project

Nikon D700, 85mm f/1.8 lens, f/3.5, 1/250s, ISO 800.
This is an idea I've had simmering for a while, and it was about time I put it to work before it started burning. See, there are loads of incredible people in this Valley, and since I've only been here for three years I'm a little behind getting to know them. So, my plan is to photograph as many people here as possible. There are only about 100,000 people in Cache Valley, Utah, so it should take...oh...the rest of my life. Trouble is, people keep on getting born around here.

Anywho, the good folks at the Cache Valley Radio Home and Garden Show let me get working on them this last Friday and Saturday. I spent last week scrambling to get my booth together, printing portraits and wrapping them on canvas, figuring out a setup to show pictures live as I shot them, and discovering the best system to get the pictures to people. Still working on that one.

Nikon D700, 85mm f/1.8 lens, f/5.6, 1/60s, ISO 800.

Friday from 10:00 am to 8:00pm I stood and photographed everyone who came by. The show was in the field house at the USU campus, and I was the only one in the whole place with a canopy over my booth. But this was essential to taking control of the light and eliminating funny colors of light playing the immense room. I set up a soft box with constant florescent lights to light all my subjects (558 individuals, and two dogs). My shutter speeds changed largely as people stepped closer or farther from the lights, and with height, but otherwise I was pretty much working the same settings all day. Except when families came and I needed more depth, then I changed the aperture, too. So, the settings were actually all over the place...but the ISO was constant!

Nikon D700, 85mm f/1.8 lens, f/2.8, 1/320s, ISO 800. She was one of my favorites. Her little sister went first, and her mom kept telling her to smile. When I asked if I could make her picture she asked, "Do I have to smile?" in a completely conversational tone, not whining, just polite. I replied, "Absolutely not; I'd prefer if you didn't." This one is a favorite because we made it together, with mutual agreement on what was going to happen.

I wrangled everyone from octogenarians to newborns into my space to make an image. I told them it was free, and I'd email them the link to all the pictures I make; most people stopped, 87% said they'd break my camera, and about 40% ended up stepping inside. I made 2441 exposures over the two days, but many of those were doubles at the end of the day when my arms were getting tired to ensure I got the shot. I was hooting continuously with not more than five minutes free all day. It's amazing, really: people actually like being in pictures, even though they profess otherwise. And thus it should be! 

I've not yet photographed anyone who did not have some beautiful features, and I wish people would get over it. And while I'm harping on stuff, Ladies, get used to your wrinkles: you look beautiful in them, and you look fake when they are removed. And anyway, getting older sure beats the alternative.

Nikon D700, 85mm f/1.8 lens, f/3.5, 1/250s, ISO 800.
These here are just a few of my favorites. There are many more terrific characters in this valley, and I will be positioning myself at other events to record all these folks, so keep an eye out for me in the future. Follow this link to see all the pictures. Sorry about the "proof" on the first few--I'm still getting used to my smugmug thingy. If you are looking for yourself, they in there chronologically, and Saturday morning starts on Page 66. Good luck. An email with the link will be coming as soon as I get all the emails compiled. Thanks again to everyone who has participated so far. I look forward to meeting even more of you!

Nikon D700, 85mm f/1.8 lens, f/3.5, 1/250s, ISO 800.
Nikon D700, 85mm f/1.8 lens, f/3.5, 1/250s, ISO 800.
Nikon D700, 85mm f/1.8 lens, f/3.5, 1/250s, ISO 800. Patch Peterson (if he told me his given name he'd have to shoot me, and he doesn't like messes) is a Cache Valley icon. I have had the honor of photographing him twice, now, and he is such a pleasure to work with. He always leave you with this benediction, "As Roy Rogers used to say, 'Happy trails to you, 'til we meet again.'"
Nikon D700, 85mm f/1.8 lens, f/3.5, 1/200s, ISO 800. L. is a young man I've known for several years, and it's a pleasure to see him developing so well. It's a real joy to see him and make his picture and know he's doing well.
Nikon D700, 85mm f/1.8 lens, f/3.5, 1/250s, ISO 800.


  1. I so wish I could have been there! These are all very lovely and the characters seem all so interesting. Good job!

  2. Wow...these photos are amazing. I love that the little girl didn't smile. Her eyes are amazing. And I just love these rough ol' guys you've shot...they have such character. So genuine.

    Thanks for the input on the whole wrinkle sitch too, by the way. I'll work on keeping the complaints to a minimum. Heh.

  3. Awesome. You are definitely in your element! Love these shots. Non-smiling girl is a classic! Get all 100,000. If anyone can it's you.

  4. What an exhausting day and, yet, what a blessing to people (and to your business). You have a great way of looking for the "story" in people. That's where the magic of portraiture happens. Well done.

  5. Kevin HickenMarch 18, 2011

    Levi, Anna and I were very impressed with the quality of your photos. You really have done well capturing pictures of people. Keep up the good work, and good luck with the other 99,442 individuals from the valley you have yet to capture in a picture.
