Oct 10, 2013


Autumn is traditionally seen as the end of the growing season, time for harvest, pumpkins, falling leaves, turning over fields, and readying for winter. But not in Lake Oswego! Nope, around here we prefer to let the Fall colors become vibrant and warm, red and orange and yellow, and then sprout new growth right next to the discards of Summer. I love it.

This one is sized for desktop wallpaper...click to make it large, then right click to copy.

Nikon D800, 105mm f/2.8 VR Micro lens, f/8, 1/4s, ISO 100.
Velvia is a film that has traditionally been favored by landscape and nature photographers for it's vibrant greens and blues and saturated colors. You can just tell images that were made using it, and it's a classic. I have a process that also produces rich colors in my digital darkroom. Unfortunately, there're no songs about Velvia, so you're stuck with Kodachrome again, and that's not too bad.


  1. That's ok. We'll survive in Californian Fall. :) The colors here are not too bad either. And I have no idea what Velvia is. Here's a regular un-classic fall shot from my Bay Area. :)

    Never the less... Notwithstanding the Californian Fall... Experiencing the Oregon Fall, East Coast Fall and Rocky Mt. Fall.. are just a few of the things on my bucket list. :)

    Jyoti Suravarjula

  2. Jyoti, that looks like you're getting some great colors, too! So many places to go, and so many pictures to make...We'll have to get film cameras and go try some velvia ourselves!
